HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE. We are starting the year with a ‘bang’ with a talk by Jonathan Genevaux on Waterscapes and our Annual Exhibition begins this week. Details below.
Wednesday 15th January at 8.00pm
In person at the Bell Inn, Hampton
A talk by Jonathan Genevaux on Waterscapes
Jonathan will join the meeting via ZOOM.
A professional landscape photographer with a specialism in waterscapes. For
the past 3 years, Jonathan has been working on a project photographing the waterscapes of the UK, from the intimate Scottish lochs to the cliff tops of Cornwall and Wales, as well as photographing waterscapes of his home region in South-West France.
In this talk, he is sharing his best tips and techniques for landscape and waterscape photography from having a raw idea to editing the final images. Jonathan will share and explain his entire process for preparing and planning the shoot using maps and online tools, understanding how the light plays with the landscape, analysing the weather forecast, finding a composition, and what camera settings and gear he uses.
A very valuable talk for anyone interested in improving their landscape photography – or who just enjoys waterscape images!
Members do not need to Register.
Non-members are requested to sign up here or by e-mail chairman@hamptonhillps.org.uk or just show up on the night!
The guest fee for this meeting is £5.00 to be paid online via Eventbrite, or on the night.
Friday 17th January 6.30 to 8.00pm
IN PERSON At the Teddington Library, Waldegrave Road, Teddington TW11 8NY
Come along and meet the members and enjoy their work at the Teddington Library.
The Exhibition will be opened by David Smith LRPS CPAGB BPE1* Formerley President of the SPA (Surrey Photographic Association), David Smith remains very active in the organization as a member of the Judges & Lecturers Sub-Committee, APM Awards Officer and PAGB Executive Member.
It will be on display at the Teddington Library from Friday 17th January for four weeks, when it will transfer to the Hampton Library for a further four weeks from 17th February.
Wednesday 18th December
This was our annual Christmas Competition and social evening 22 members and guests had a meal downstairs and this was followed by our competition judging in our usual room upstairs. The theme / subject was “Macro / Close Up” with an emphasis on creativity. The competition was won by Judy Hicks LRPS with Sneezeweed at Wisley. Azelea Dalton and Penny Westmoreland were in second and third places with “Paper Concertina” and “Ice” respectively.
Wednesday 19th February – Details to be confirmed.
Wednesday 19th March – Our AGM followed by Picture-sharing. Please come along and support the Society.
Wednesday 16th April – Image selection for our club entry into the SPA Interclub PDI Competition on Saturday 10th May
We look forward to seeing you many of you on Wednesday evening in The Bell. Any questions please contact me.
Best regards, David
David Hicks
Chairman, Hampton Hill Photographic Society