Christmas Competition 2024
We held our annual competition and Social Evening last Wednesday evening in The Bell Inn. We all had a very enjoyable and sociable meal followed by an even more enjoyable competition judged by Paul Weller from Kingston Camera Club.
The competition subject or theme was “Macro / Close Up” with a wide interpretation encouraged. The judge was asked to select the “best three” and then members and guests present then voted to select 1, 2 and 3.
The winner was Judy Hicks LRPS with Sneezeweed at Wisley (shown above); with 2nd Azelea Dalton – Paper Concertina and 3rd Penny Westmoreland – Ice (both shown below).

Annual Exhibition 2025
We also have our Annual Exhibition starting in Teddington Library from Friday 17th January. David Smith LRPS CPAGB BPE1* will formally open the exhibition at our open evening on Friday 17th March from 6.30pm until 8pm. David is past president of Surrey Photographic Association and continues to have roles in SPA and PAGB
On 15th February, the exhibition transfers to Hampton Library until 14th March.
All visitors to both libraries are invited to vote for the two pictures they like most.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday 15th January in the Bell Inn, Hampton at 8pm. The details are not yet finalised, but we intend to have a couple of short practical presentations.
Wishing you an enjoyable Christmas break and look forward to seeing you in 2025.
David Hicks, Chairman
Hampton Hill Photographic Society