Wednesday 17th July at 8.00pm
At the Bell Inn, Hampton
Members’ Picture Sharing
All members invited to take part and bring along five to max ten images to share and discuss. These are always interesting evenings as it great to see other photographer’s work!
Members do not need to Register.
Non-members please sign up on Eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/
The visitor fee for attending this meeting is just £3 but if you decide to join the Club, this fee will be refunded!
Summer Photo Walk # 2 – Sat July 20th Brentford
As requested at the AGM, we set aside four dates for Summer Walks: the next walk is scheduled for Brentford on Saturday July 20 from 2.00pm – 4.30pm. We need to know if there is sufficient interest to go ahead with this meetup, so please drop me an e-mail if you plan to come. (Chairman@hamptonhillps.org.uk
Wednesday 29th June at 8.00pm
Wild London: Discovering London’s Hidden Parks, Gardens and Wild Nature with Andrew Wilson.
Andrew Wilson publisher and photographer is a resident of Putney, which he loves. He photographs the beauty found all around us. Nature is never far away as far as Andrew is concerned and our glorious open spaces are a constant feature throughout his work. Andrew shared his books and stunning photography with us, and his talk was much enjoyed. He also kindly ran a raffle and gave out prizes to members.
Find out more about Andrew and his work here: About — WILD LONDON
Summer Photo Walk # 1 – Saturday 22nd June Richmond
Four members participated in our first walk of 2024 from the station through some of the old streets in the centre. Then via “Richmond Palace” to the and along the river front – ending just before Terrace Gardens. The weather was good and there was much to photograph.
The following meetings are organised: –
Quarterly Members’ Sharing evenings on this month (see above) and on 10th October.
Our Christmas Competition and Social on 18th December.
Our AGM and Picture Sharing on March 19th next year.
But we need ideas for meetings on August 21st, September 18th, and November 20th – and looking to 2025, thoughts for 15th January and 19th February. If you are able to give us a talk or are willing to organise the speaker for one of these future meetings, please let us have your thoughts and ideas.
Summer Photo Walk # 3 – Sat October 5th Autumn Colours in Richmond Park
We are also planning a Summer Special, which will be Kingston Carnival in early September – date still to be confirmed.
It’s never too early to plan:
SPA Individual Print & PDI Competition is on Saturday 02 November 2024: Entries must be uploaded to the SPA site by Saturday 12 October. www.surreypa.org
Our own Christmas Competition and Social, which will be on 18th December at The Bell. Subject for the competition is “Macro and Close-Up” – so time to practice the techniques which were introduced to us at our May Meeting by Derek Gale.
Our Exhibition in January 2025 will be at the Teddington and Hampton Libraries: let’s make this the best show ever!
You may be interested in this summary of the Best Photography Exhibitions in London too: We miss you… (secretldn.com) and don’t forget the Summer Exhibition at the RA – not just painting and sculpture but contains photography too… Good to have this list in your pocket for these rainy summer days!
We look forward to seeing many of you on Wednesday evening in The Bell. Any questions please contact me.
Best regards, David
David Hicks
Chairman, Hampton Hill Photographic Society