Next Meeting
Wednesday, 16th January at The Bell Inn, Hampton 
“How to take Bad Pictures”: a talk by Darren Pullman AFIAP 
In his words “An evening of some really awful pictures. See how it’s done, including the less obvious ways, and how to cope with the disappointment of returning home with a memory card full of inferior images.” Intriguing! but we suspect he’ll also be showing some of his superb images…

Reminder to Members: please bring your exhibition prints + fee to this meeting after ensuring there’s nothing sticky or abrasive on them which could damage others (photographer’s name and title of print on back of each please).

Last Meeting, 19th December – Christmas Competition
After commenting on members’ photos with the theme of “Uncommon or Unexpected Viewpoints, Simon Van-Orden, judging for the first time outside his own camera club, selected the three he thought best. The audience then voted for their favourite.  Congratulations to the winners: Rosie came first with her image “Not Interested” and was duly presented with the magnificent Mike Hammond Trophy. Gokhan Darcan was second with his image of Oxford Street and Paolo Ghirardani was third with his image of a staircase entitled “The Caixa Forum, Madrid”. The evening continued with chat over refreshments – all very merry.

Click on the links to see the top three pictures
1st place  2nd place  3rd place

Future Programme:

Friday, 1st February – Our Annual Exhibition opening/private view
We look forward to seeing readers of our newsletter at the ‘Opening Event’ in Teddington Library at 18:30 for 19:00 and are honoured to have the President of the Surrey Photographic Association, David Smith LRPS CPAGB, formally open it. Up to 6 prints from each of our members will be displayed on top of the bookshelves and all visitors will be able to vote for their favourite photo. Refreshments will be provided.

Download you exhibition invite

Saturday, 2nd February to Sunday, 24th February
Our Annual Exhibition will be open to the public during Teddington Library’s opening hours: 9.30-19:00 on Monday and Wednesday, 9.30-18:00 on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 9.30-16:00 on Saturday and 13:00-17:00 on Sunday.

Wednesday, 20th February – Our regular monthly meeting at The Bell Inn
We have a couple of speakers lined up but are awaiting final confirmation – details will be on our website shortly.

Wednesday, 20th March – Annual General Meeting and Members’ photos (six each, any subject).

Wednesday, 17th April – Members’ Photos
Selection evening for our Club entry into the SPA Inter-club PDI competition.  We are thinking of entering the Nature in addition to the Open category this year.  Members can submit images for selection by all Members present on the evening.  Members will be given details separately but, meantime, entry rules can be found in this link in the SPA website:

Wednesday, 15th May
John Sheaf, a well known local historian, will regale us with stories of our past illustrated with old photos.

I end with a quote from Henri Cartier-Bresson whose advice I definitely need to follow: he said to take your time when photographing, and “avoid shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole”.

With very best wishes for a Happy New Year.
