Ian Brash CPAGB BPE2: Di PIMS – in partnership with Pat Couder CPAGB BPE1

Ian Brash CPAGB BPE2*: Di PIMS – in partnership with Pat Couder CPAGB BPE1*

A digital presentation based on a series of photographic challenges that we set ourselves.
This promises to be a fun evening with audience participation.

P.I.M.S. stands for the Pat Ian and Mike show which develops during the talk. The presentation is something a bit different – a collection of images taken as part of monthly challenges on set themes, and only shot indoors. Their ‘before and after’ images will be shown and they will explain “how we did it”, with member participation along the way. Pat Couder CPAGB, BPE1 and Ian Brash CPAGB, BPE2


Jan 15 2020


8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


The Bell Inn